According to Fiorelli –
“20. Nel vico
occidentale eravi una bottega, a fianco della quale
stava scritto il programma, ora scomparso:
. D. VIR
Essa aveva al
di sopra un meniano sporgente sul vico, e nel limitare il banco della vendita
con quattro urne di terracotta e la piccola fornace: nel fondo trovavasi un recesso per gli avventori, ed accanto a questo
un’apotheca con altro podio o focolare, che sta a sinistra della porta
See Pappalardo, U., 2001. La Descrizione di Pompei per Giuseppe Fiorelli (1875). Napoli: Massa Editore. (p.116)
See Fiorelli, “Descrizione”, (p.299)
(translation: “20. In the western roadway we have a shop, at the side of which a programme was written, which has now disappeared:
Above the shop was a balcony hanging over the roadway, and inside was the sales bench with four terracotta urns and a small hearth: at the rear was a small room for the customers and nearby to this was a cupboard or small storeroom with another podium or hearth, which was to the left of the entrance doorway”)
VII.13.20 Pompeii. December 2005. Looking south-east towards entrance doorway.
VII.13.20 Pompeii. December 2005. Looking east across bar room with two-sided counter and remains of four urns and hearth.
VII.13.20 Pompeii. May 2003. Looking east across bar room. Photo courtesy of Nicolas Monteix.
VII.13.20 Pompeii. May 2003. Looking south towards two-sided counter and small hearth, with remaining dolia.
Photo courtesy of Nicolas Monteix.
VII.13.20 Pompeii. May 2003. Another hearth or oven on the north side of doorway. Photo courtesy of Nicolas Monteix.